Tribute Wall

Kevin Beyer uploaded photo(s)
Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Owen had such a keen sense of so many things with his quick wit. An endearing smile and hearty laugh. Warmth for his friends. Over the past few years I only saw him occasionally at my Brother Greg's house, and feel sad that I missed the famous croquet tournaments. But our conversations were always lively and fun.I am uploading a picture of Owen, which is the Owen I cherish and Remember well. He was such a genuine mainstay of the friends that would gather at our house in high school. That is going way back, but the memories are vivid. I remember one time we were writing a letter on behalf of students to the Maple Ridge Seniour Secondary administration, and he came up with the word "disgruntled". He said something like, "Now there's a word you can sink your teeth into". And as he got excited about the prospects of using a label students didn't usually use he'd say " Now that's the ticket! We ARE the disgruntled students of Maple Ridge High!" A small, but personal memory of a well loved friend. I'll miss him.
Linda Gillard lit a candle
Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Greg Beyer posted a condolence
Sunday, January 15, 2023
Owen and I spent time together since grade 6 at Haney Central in Maple Ridge. Although we were not really 'friends' then we had many mutual friends. Once we were in high school many of our mutual friends engaged in community sports, ie baseball, and many of us friends participated in 'street hockey'. When late high school came around I remember Owen being part of the 'noon hour 'house' sports engagement. After graduation Owen was a star performer in a 'movie' that a friend needed for an arts class (that could be wrong) however lets live on the 'Life and Times of Jethro Spinelli'. I helped film some of that on an old 8mm camera.
After high school some of the friends formed a band called 'Behyndman' and there were a couple of years where they toured around BC covering songs and playing decent 'prog-rock'. In the late 70's my wife and I got married in my parents back yard and Owen was the official photographer. WOW. I may have mixed up the time lines, but I remember going out to Whonnock to Owen & Jennifer's a couple of times for the Whonnock Invitational Croquet championships and barbeque. (such fun). Many years passed while we relocated to Prince George but on our return to the lower mainland we eventually reconnected with Owen. Although our connections were not many, we would have he and mutual friends come for dinner a couple of times a year to relive past glories and espouse present earthly problems. Owen had such a spontaneous wit. When there were others with that talent as well in attendance, it was an unbelievably entertaining evening as they sparred off each other. It was so great to have reconnected with Owen over the last couple of years. I will miss him terribly. Greg Beyer
The family of Owen Paxton Morsh uploaded a photo
Monday, January 9, 2023

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