Tribute Wall

Robb Wait lit a candle
Saturday, September 16, 2023

Gone ahead to light our way. It is an honor to know you. We will always honor your memory. Bob, Wendy, Mike, and family.
Brenda Sidoroff posted a condolence
Saturday, June 3, 2023
You made a difference in so many lives. We are all the better for knowing you Dad... I miss you ❣️
Dianne and Chris Price posted a condolence
Friday, May 12, 2023
Chris and I met Tom one Sunday when we went to visit my cousin Louvain.Tom & Louvain had been seeing one another.I have never met the person who could make my cousin really happy......until Tom and he was a very quiet man and Chris and I soon understood why Louvain and Tom got together. Respect and Love for one another! Thank-you Tom for Loving my cousin in the manner she deserved and she loved you the way you deserved! will always love you Tom. You will be missed! Love Chris&Dianne
Debbie Kay uploaded photo(s)
Tuesday, May 9, 2023

I have many great memories of my Uncle Steve, the only name we knew him by for many years. Imagine our shock when we found out we had it wrong all those years. I guess my favorite is the one we still talk about today. During a visit to the East coast, Aunt Jacqueline and Uncle Steve joined us at our house for a night of cards. We laughed so much that night, a night I will never forget. I will miss you so very much Uncle Steve.
Jayme Stevens donated to The Arthritis Research Centre Society Canada / Arthriterecherche Canada
Wednesday, May 3, 2023
Condolences from Jayme, Kristopher and Jaxson
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Steve Ewart posted a condolence
Wednesday, May 3, 2023
We will miss Tom and will always remember times together especially Monday night football. While we didn't always win on the bets, every night was a winner with you there.
Edwin V Stow uploaded photo(s)
Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Tom and Jacquelene, Martin & Linda, Ed, Shirley & Michele Stow at Disneyland California 1979.
Donna Johnston posted a condolence
Tuesday, May 2, 2023
So sorry for your loss. Thoughts and Prayers to you and family at this sad time.
Russell Matthews & Family
Terri deGooyer donated to The Arthritis Research Centre Society Canada / Arthriterecherche Canada
Tuesday, May 2, 2023
With love from Ron, Terri deGooyer and family
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Kelly Casey donated to The Arthritis Research Centre Society Canada / Arthriterecherche Canada
Tuesday, May 2, 2023
So sorry for your loss, we are thinking of all of you. We will miss Uncle Verner!
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Marie McKinney uploaded photo(s)
Monday, May 1, 2023


Sweet times and great memories. The fun times we all had together. Always laughing so much love for life and your beautiful wife.
The Reno trips and get togethers. I feel so blessed to have known you and every time l think of you it brings a smile to my face.
Here are a couple pictures from 2014 l think in the backyard.
Bryan Ewart uploaded photo(s)
Monday, May 1, 2023




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Q: What will you never forget about Thomas?
A: I will never forget the day I asked Steve for his blessing to marry his daughter Tammy (after being together for almost 9 years). We were at one of our favourite pubs, The Fox's Reach in Maple Ridge. Those that know Steve, know he's a man of few words, but when he speaks you listen! His message to me was simple; if you're going to spend your life with Tammy (who happens to suffer from RA) than you better be prepared for the good days and the bad days that will inevitably occur with the pain and suffering arthritis brings. He said that being with his wife Jacqueline who also suffered from RA had its challenges but he was prepared to be there for her (and he sure did a great job).
I always loved playing crib or poker with Steve. We had lots of great times together. I'm lucky to be able to call him my Father In-Law. I will miss him and I will continue to look after his daughter until the day I die.
Bryan Ewart
Tammy Ewart uploaded photo(s)
Monday, May 1, 2023

My favourite picture of Dad & I ❤️
Patricia Ewart posted a condolence
Monday, May 1, 2023
Tom was always a happy, and loving guy with such a great smile, and lots to laugh about.
Steve and I enjoyed getting together for our Monday nights football with Tom( and previously with Louvain too), family and friends. Always a fun night.
Brenda Sidoroff uploaded photo(s)
Monday, May 1, 2023

I have many memories of Dad, my most recent memory was the last time we were together, this past December. We were able to watch some of his favorite shows together, play cards Crib, of course, and black jack, and we made some meals together. And even a few rare talks that I will treasure... I love you Dad I will miss you. Until we meet again ❣️
The family of Tom Stevens uploaded a photo
Monday, May 1, 2023

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Bonnie Lauzon/Souter posted a condolence
Monday, May 1, 2023
I will always remember how wonderful it was seeing you and Louvain together with all your family. You made them all feel very loved and brought much happiness to Louvain. We only met a few times but I knew you were a special man. RIP
Bonnie (Krista and Shayne’s Aunt)

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